Cuttin' the grass...better than eatin' sand! Holidays beach breakin'. 6/22/2017 |
In season. Solstice. Time to show gratitude for what you get. This time of year it's on the low-low. Waist high at best. Water's been warming slow. Still 'bout 69F. July warms up considerably. Brings in the tropics. Starts the hurricane season. Some chest to heads. But, there is time for that. In the present, I take what I can get and am thankful for it. Not getting out enough to do much more yet anyways. Still busy unpacking the never ending load of boxes. But, morning sessions will be in the July plan. Past week brought high tide and water breaking damn near the beach. Nothin' worse than an unscheduled beach landing. Churns up the sand from the bottom. Sea grass everywhere. Had to get beyond the grass-line to the lineup. Still painfully close to shore. However, this type of break seems to add urgency to set-up in the ride and I move a bit quicker. Least it seems like it. 66th Street...Holiday's Break. Finally some rights. Knee high fast exits. Caught a few. One semi-memorable. Just happy to be in the ocean.
Fellow Western Maryland alum, Tom Kehoe started Yards Brewing in 1994. Concocts a nice line. Brawler is an English Mild Ale landing at 12 IBUs which translates to malt forward. similar to a brown ale. Unfortunately, not one of my favorites. Pours a dark copper with about a finger khaki head. Little bitterness with aromas of sweet malt and tasted a tad like a weak Sam Adams. 4.2% ABV ...a nice craft intro to the Bud/Bud-Light crowd. Rated this a C+. Better than a Bud Light!
Sessionable, when it comes to IPAs, sometimes could mean watered-down. Weak. Like knee to ankle high waves. Not in Pipeworks Brewing's case. I've sampled their beers in the past. Never really bought any. Mango Guppy IPA delivers that signature grapefruit-citrus punch in only 4.6% ABV. Aromas of honey, mango, orange, and pineapple. Tastes of honey and citrus and able to feature the grapefruityness of hops versus overpowering with additions. Pours a hazy orange-gold with a bout a finger plus white head. Nice carbonation and full lacing. Light sweetness followed by a refreshing hop-bitter finish. More than a semi-memorable ride. Rated a B+.
"What'd you like, Normie?"
"A reason to live. Give me another
-Norm Peterson