Saturday, July 31, 2021

Growing Up, from the Rogue's notebook.

     Tide and conditions have an effect on my 'tude. And consequently on the surf sesh. Waves were thigh to waist high or so last week. Crashing pretty damn close to shore though. High tide made it worse. Had to catch 'em just outside the point. Angled to the front or backside. Managed a couple. At best. But, I was there with my surf buddy, and my Wife. Enjoyed a nice post surf meal after. Fuel the machine and all. 
Pretty sure the fins were leaving a trace across the sandy bottom.
Skidding outta the foam, 47th street Break, 7/22/2021.

The following week- joined by TR. Surf compadre come back up from his alligator farm in South Carolina. Well, not really, he raises chickens, but corrals alligators that eat his chickens. Or tries to. Not really, he shoots 'em. Rather at 'em. Actually not TR. His wife. Emptied a whole clip into one. Actually, at one. Never hit it. Ended up paying someone to come out, corral it, and take it away. Busy farm. No wonder he came up to get some surf in. Unfortunately, shorebreak again. This time pretty damn small and petty. We knew how to treat these conditions. Beer. And food. Starting to realize that it is not the surf conditions I face, the place I live, the job I'm in, or the money in my account. It is the people. Wife. Family. Friends. They are all Family. Damn! Think I'm growing up. 
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family:
whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
-J. Howard
Throwin' back a few brews with the Crew tribe at Macky's. 7/29/2021.
     Some adult beverages. Lot of summer IPAs. Or, IPAs this summer. Whatever. These brews made for some serious chill summer sippin.'
brew. Wild Ride. Clear, golden
amber pour. 2-finger foamy,
off-white head. Mild citrus and
berries in the nose. Juicy hops provided
a citrus-pine taste. Nice malt backbone.
Somewhat balanced the bitter aftertaste.
7% ABV. 44 IBUs. Rated a B. 
The Public, DC Brau's flagship Pale
Ale. Poured a burnt orange with a slight
haze. Finger and a half, fizzy eggshell
 head. Tight lacing. Some pine and grape-
fruit aromas, with more of the same in
each taste. 60% ABV. 40 IBUs. Very 
smooth. Nice bitter bite. Rated a B+/A-.

Cult Classic Brewery, the one Eastern
Sho' local of the group. Stevensville, MD.
Equals Beer- a Blood Orange IPA. Not
sure of the difference in blood oranges
vs. oranges. Smelled and tasted of
citrus and orange. Amber-orange pour.
Thin, off-white cap with plenty of lace.
6.3% ABV. 60 IBUs. Had this on the Big
Owl's bayside deck. Not the most
bracing hop finish, but refreshing.
Rated a B/B-.

The Jackalope's favorite. Tropical Diabolical
IPA. Poured a very cloudy orange with a near
white finger thick head. Thin lacing. Loads of
passionfruit, guava, mango, tangerine, and
pineapple in the smells that waft up from the
 cap. More mango, pineapple, tangerine, and
the tell-tale grapefruit with each sip. This
beer put me right back in the lineup with the
sun on my face. 6.66% alcohol, 66.6 IBUs. Great
brew. Been to North Peak Brewing in Traverse
City, MI. Betcha this is badass on tap. 
Rated an A.

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