Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fast Crash Rollers, the Rogue's notes.

Rollin' on the River. As the swell and the Cruisers rolled out, and the fog rolled in.
St. Martin River, Shell Gut. 5/21/2024

    May. Water's warming. Not fast enough. Running about 48-50F. Shorebreakin' a bit as well. In addition to the Atlantic rollers crashing the beach (literally), we've had Cruisin' Weekend crashing the town (not literally). Surfin' and Street Rods. Always a pair. Can't get wet, can at least get charged.

'73 Chevelle SS
    Brew review. Boreal, "of the North." A Michigan Dry Hopped Lager. An IPL- India Pale Lager. So to speak. Old Nation Brewing. A hoppy lager that poured a straw yellow with a thin, white, fizzy head. Fast dissipating, like the lacing. Aromas of herbal hops and lemon zest- heavy citrusy lemon. Flavors of no-salt saltines. Crackery malt. Bready. More lemons. Lite grapefruit. And a sharp pine finish. At 5%, refreshing. At 40% IBUs, very crisp. A- rating. Get's ya charged! Good stuff.

Inlet parking lot, 5/18/2024. (Dispatch photos)
"Surfing and hot rodding weren’t mutually exclusive,
and many of the surfers who made money selling
boards or winning contests put that money into the
hot rods, muscle cars, and sports cars that announced
their arrival at the beach."   -Benjamin Preston, Hagerty Media

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