Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Next Set, notes from the Rogue.

October eve skeg breakers gnawing the shoreline. Holidays & 66th, 10/8/2020.

   Comin' to an end. Feel the emptiness when crossing to the beach. Hell, even the Atlantic was showing signs of givin' up the ghost (no pun intended). This past week had no surf. Shoreline curlers closing in about a half a foot of water. Water temps still bordering 70F. Time is running out. So it begins, the end of my weekday surf. I just didn't get out enough during the week this year. Weekends have been for the boat and fishing; good times. But, I have missed the Saturday/Sunday morning surf opportunities. Gotta get out and get wet. Can't get better if ya don't. 
   Patience, that is what the surf will teach. The next set is comin.'  Muscle cars and beer. They come in waves. The past week's inland lineup courtesy Endless Summer Cruisin' in the OC. 
'61 Chevrolet Stepside

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger
Juicy Haze IPA. 7.5% ABV,
42 IBUs. Poured a cloudy
golden yellow. Finger-plus, white
puffy head. Tangerine, and pine
aromas. Grapefruit, more orange,
and resinous hops in the flavor 
profile. Sweet. Creamy.
Rated a B+/A-

Anchor Brewing California Lager
Light amber pour, thin white
head. Bready aroma with grains
and floral hops. Faint fruit in the
taste. Corn, more grains. Clean
hopped lager finish. 19 IBUs,
4.9% ABV. Rated a B-.

'69 Custom Chevy Camaro

'69 Chevy Blazer

3 Sheeps Brewing Fresh Coast
Juicy Pale Ale. Foamy white 2-
finger head capping an orange-
amber pour. Citrus and hop
aromas. Tastes of  mango, and
weak grapefruit with a dry, bitter
finish. More so than the 22 IBUs
account for. Session style 6'er. 
4.8% ABV. Rated a C+/B-.

'68 Ford Mustang
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time." -Dom Toretto

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