Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving Again, notes from the Rogue.

Central Delaware gathering, 11/26/2020. Bit more inland, but the scent of brine is still in the air. 

   Finally, after a four year hiatus, got our families together again. Turkey, stuffin', whipped taters and gravy, mac 'n cheese, cranberry and brussels sprouts dressing, cranberry relish, pimento cheese, lemon meringue pie, and strawberry ice-cream pie. AND...Beer! The start to our family's holiday season, Eastern Sho' style.                                                                                      

Merry Monkey, Victory Brewing's
10% ABV Belgian Strong Ale
with hints of cinnamon, nutmeg,
cranberry, and orange peel in 
both scent and taste. Pilsner malts
and moderate honey sweetness
on the back end. Copper pour with
a less than finger thick, white
 head. Smooth, slightly bitter finish
(35 IBUs) made for a nice holiday
brew. Rated a B+.

Frederick, MD's Flying Dog brewed
up the perfect named compliment to 
our  little get-together. Family Drama, 
an Imperial Pilsner that poured a rich
gold with a finger thick, white, fluffy
head. Packed a punch at 8.4%...they
called it imperial for a reason. Like most
pilsners, the aroma had some pepper, 
and grassy grains. At 35 IBUs, the taste
featured spicy, floral hops, and the pilsner
malts and graininess, and was a little
boozy. Could have used a little more of 
the hoppiness to offset the grains and
booze. Gave it a B-/C+ rating.


"Thanksgiving is all about getting your entire dysfunctional family under the
same roof and hoping the police don't get called." 
Proof it can be done!

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