Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Need To Go Fishin', session notes from the Rogue.

"Storms have sometimes sent the fluke packing to deeper water with no significant
 bite until 
the following spring."                     -Capt. R. Hittinger, Rhode Island
Setting out in hopes that Dorian didn't send 'em packing, 9/8/2019.

   Saturday still had a lot of wash to get through. Sunday was not as big, but very clean. Got up late. Too late for a wave, but in time to take advantage of the bay. Storms usually churn up the water, bayside or oceanside. Murky water means poor catch. Me and the Wife keep an eye on the St. Martin, and it was pretty damn glassy. The surface of  the Assawoman and Sinepuxent Bays had cleaned up post 'Cane. Smoothest conditions we'd seen all summer. Feelin' the anxiety. There was a need to hit the water. To go Fishin.' Started on the Inlet side of the Route 50 Bridge. Drifted in front of the entrance of the Commercial Fisherman's Marina by Stinky Beach. No luck. Some Haoles attempting to fish a specific area, put themselves between a group of us drifting and the rip rap making for dangerous circumstances. No respect. A glide over to the Inlet Pier side and we drifted between the Inlet and the bridge. Did this about a half dozen times. Caught some blue crabs. Small, no-keep flounders.

Less than a morsel.

Something about fishing on a calm day makes listening to my Redskins take a big lead that much sweeter, and listening to the Redskins give up a big lead that much less painful. And, it is painful. We finished up in the East Channel, drifting north in front of Harbour Island. After drifting this route three or four times... a flounder here, more crabs there... we called it a day and headed in. No "Coastal Fisherman" catch, but a relaxing post-'cane afternoon.
   Out on the bay, gettin' lost in the day? Lost Colony Brewery put up the perfect beers to help forget about the lack of keepers. Kitty Hawk Blonde was an English Blond. Hops and barley from Britain. Just what beer for the Lost Colony needed. Poured a pale yellow, with a thin white head. Not much in the way of lacing. Light grapefruit and grain in the smell. Tastes of citrus and biscuit. Dry finish on this one. Doesn't have much complexity. More like a common lager. Not overly bitter or hoppy at 19 IBU, but at 4.4% ABV, easy to throw back a few. Rated a C+.
Hatteras Irish Red was a more lusty beer than the Blonde. Poured a clear, dark, reddish-brown with a finger or so, beige head. Aromas of nutty malt with scent of stone fruit. Flavors of toffee, roasted pine nuts, and the bitterness of unripened berries. 4.9% ABV made this less than a bewitching kind of beer...although, like the crabs that nibble you into thinking that fish are near, the low ABV could lure ya into thinking, "yeah, have another." 22 IBUs gave it a clean, crisp finish. I'm not a big Red fan, but this wasn't bad. Gave it a B- rating.
"Sentenced to be executed as
a witch. Destined to be burned
alive. Gone in a flash of 
lightning. Get that woman a 

Kicked back on the Bay, 9/8/2019

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