Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bits and Pieces, session notes from the Rogue.

It's so tough to get up. It's so tough. It's so tough to live up. It's so tough on you.
Life's the same, I'm moving in stereo.
 Life's the same except for my shoes.

Life's the same, you're shaking like tremolo. 
Life's the same, it's all inside you.
-The Cars, Moving In Stereo

Slipping out the front as the concussion settles.
Holidays closeout, 66th 'n the OC. 9/11/2019

   A storm headin' out. Another passin' by. Semi-clean to sloppy conditions reflected bits and pieces of both. Dorian was passing Newfoundland, still stirring up the north Atlantic. Tropical Storm Gabrielle was moving east towards Ireland, or some place in that direction, churning up the ocean in her wake. Seemed like swell was coming from all direction. Bit's and pieces of waist to occasional stomach surf from each storm. You know me. I was doin' my best to stay to the right. Didn't seem seem to matter. Pretty damn hard to get position no matter where you were in the lineup. Squeezed a few. Got squeezed by a few. Much better than last week though. Hurricane season had arrived.

   Hurricane Season is most active in our 2nd season. Happenin' now. And the brews are changing over as well. Backshore Brewing on 10th and the Boards put together a Golden Ale full of Belgian yeast and plums. A taster provided the good idea to bring back a crowler of Plum Outta Ideas. Light aromas of plums and strong Belgian yeast. In the flavors, the plums were even more subtle. 22 IBUs of hops were notable in the prominent effervescence. I have named Belgian yeast's effect and it is Belgianasity. This one had plenty of Belgianasity at 6.3% ABV. Poured a golden orange with a finger-plus, white, fizzy head. Lacing was thicker than you'd expect. Rated a B.
 Lakewood, New York's Southern Tier Brewing Company, known more for Pumking during the Fall, also created Harvest Ale, an English style ESB measuring in at 6.7% ABV. Ideal for the upcoming cooler evenings...and ocean. Poured a clear amber with a finger and a half, frothy, off-white head. Nice, lasting lacing along the glass walls. More hops then one might usually see in a Bitter, 55 IBUs worth. Maybe not traditional, but as a hop-head, I liked it! Grapefruit and spice in the aromas, some bready grain. The taste featured more floral hops and citrus, and a backbone of malty caramel. A toasty, bitter-sweet edge provided a clean finish to this fall classic. Gave it a B+/A- rating.
"Well, I never met a beer
I didn't drink. And down it
goes."   -Norm Peterson

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