Saturday, July 4, 2020

Gotta Go To Know, the Rogue's session notes.

"You know the Russians often like to talk in proverbs and there's one that might be useful. You're an actor, you can learn it in a minute, 'Trust, but verify.'"  -historian Suzanne Massie to President Ronald Reagan
Surf verification, 47th Street Break. 7/1/2020

   Nuthin' worse than misinformation. Seems we got a lot of it lately, and that's been a bit annoying. Media full of rumors and fake news. Even infected the surf reports. Last week called out for ankle-biters, and instead got stoked on a sweet semi-clean thigh to stomach high swell at the 47th-48th Street lineup. . Don't get me wrong... not complaining, but this is where the the surf cams come in handy. Nice night in a lineup more crowded than most of the time. Young groms just happy to get a ride. I really need to learn to appreciate what is handed to me. The waves were far from A-frames, but every bit as fun. And everyone hoopin' and hollerin' and having a good time. Water in the mid-70s, mostly front-side breaks, but enough of a mix to grab a few lefties as well. Starting to realize, at the end of the end of the day you gotta go to know.
Seeing is believing. 47th Street, 7/1/2020.

   At the end of most of my evening sessions, I end up with a coffee. Dunkin mostly. Pick-me-up for that ride back to the homestead. So, this brew was an appropriate post-sesh beer. Not for this evening, but it fits for afternoon, or late morning. Burley Oak's Coffee-n-Cream Ale. At 5.1% this one is capable of being a 2-fer if you can handle the sweet aftertaste. Poured a clear amber with a creamy finger or so white head. Plenty of coffee in the smell, some malt and dairy as well. Coffee was in the taste, but faded. Sweet bread and toffee. Light hop bitterness (18 IBUs) provided balance. Initially, a very good beer, however the lingering sweetness got to me after a while. Rated a B-.
"We could say Democrats spend money like
drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to
drunken sailors. It would be unfair, because
the sailors are spending their own money."
-Ronald Reagan

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