Monday, July 20, 2020

Summer Deck, the Rogue's session notes.

"'Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about." - John Mayer
Steamed Blue Crabs, beer, and sweet corn...Maryland's summer deck feast. Lookout Point, 7/9/2020.
   Pandemic, riots, and now the f*#king Redskins being forced by the political machine to change their name. In terms of the peripheral, don't have a good run goin' so far this year. But, Summer's here! Time on the water always seems to unravel life's twists. Boat, boards, and rods. All ya need.
The sights on the cruise out to the Inlet/Harbor fishin' grounds.
Talbot Street Pier, 7/9/2020.

Lines in. Taking advantage of the current across from Assateague Island.

Finally hooked the
first decent flattie.

Brother pullin' out the dualie.

420 Pale Ale, 5.7%
ABV, 39 IBUs. 
Amber-gold light
haze pour.2-finger
 white head. Citrus
and pine aroma. 
Grain and grapefruit
in the taste. B- rated.

Or, push it all off into the trenches and fields. The more it stinks like manure, the better it is for the crops. The corn and soybeans are 'a growin'. My roadside visual for seasonal advance. Reaching mid-summer.

Rt. 90 from Pines Point Marina. More fishing means more supplies.

Slightly Mighty. 
LoCal Session IPA.
Copper pour. 
Finger-plus head.
Citrus and grain in
aromas. Kinda a
 watered down
taste. 4.0% ABV, 
30 IBUs. Rated a

Feel the sway. Post Fay conditions outside of Salted Vines. Countryside of Frankford, Delaware. 7/10/2020
Leafy bunches of soybean fields stretching across the Eastern Shore. Row upon row of emerald green stalks of corn, their peanut brown tassels swaying in the wind, hiding smaller stalks of sweet corn... a must have for any summer meal on the deck... especially crabs.

Charmed Pale Ale Poured a 
deep amber with eggshell
 white 2-finger head. 
Herbal spice in aroma.
 Bitter fruit and malt flavor.
Dry finish. 5% ABV.
30 IBUs. Rated a B-/C+.
An injection of sunshine and coastal salt making everything better. First half of July. Heat wave in effect. Prime-time for Family. It all comes together. Peak travel conditions. Vacation time.

Yeah, Tropical Storm Fay, kinda dumped on us. Wind, rain, and chop. Wasn't able to go after a surf until after. And, the cleaner conditions occurred before...
But, we did get in more fishing.
Not much in terms of Fay's leftovers.
47th Street mushies, 7/16/2020.

Pool Hopping Deck Beer.
Hazy Session IPA.
A brew made for this post.
Hazy straw-yellow pour.
Thin white head. Thin lace.
5.4% ABV, 25 IBUs.
Hint of lemon grass and
grapes in smell. Tastes of
citrus and lime. Some tart-
ness. Dry, hop finish.
Summer pounder.
Gave a B rating. 

 Heathen. Seaside
 Pilsner.  A Dark Seas 
 collab. Est.40 IBUs, 
4.8% ABV. Strong 
aromas of lime
(made w/ Kaffir Lime)
 and spice. Flavors
 of more lime and
 tart zest. Dry bitter
 finish. Clear gold pour.
 Thin white head.
Quenching beer.
 Another B rating.

Balmy air and water temperatures. Got some boating in. Some lines in. Finally...some fish on.  Squeezed a surf in, even though Fay left only dribs and drabs behind. Crabs, shrimp, and corn steamed and ready. Chicken and brats on the grill. Beers chillin'. Summer on deck.

Summer bliss...her mother's fascination with the Ocean. Inlet Beach, 7/8/2020.

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